Press Releases


SEA: New Report Highlights Importance of Career Executives for Government Continuity (7/22/24)


SEA Praises OPM Release of Initial Phase of Electronic Plum Book (12/27/23)

SEA Praises Federal Pay Raise, Urges Broader Action on Pay Compression (12/27/23)

SEA Comments on OPM Proposed Rule Upholding Civil Service Protections and Merit System Principles (11/15/23)

SEA Announces New Board of Directors, Policy Committee Chair (11/7/23)

SEA Statement on PRA Winners (11/6/23)

SEA Members Join 2023 Class of NAPA Academy Fellows

SEA Announces 2023 Award Program Winners (9/14/23)

SEA Announces New President (6/22/23)

SEA President Op-Ed in Government Executive 'It’s Time to Act on the Workforce Portion of the President’s Management Agenda' (5/31/23)

SEA Responds to OMB Memo on Organizational Health, Performance (4/14/23)

SEA Applauds House Passage of the Chance to Compete Act (1/24/23)


SEA Congratulates Presidential Rank Award Winners, Applauds President Biden’s Recognition of Excellence in Career Leadership (11/15/22)

SEA Reacts to GAO Report on Schedule F Implementation (9/29/22)

SEA Responds to Remarks Made by Speaker of the House, Congressman Miller and Senator Rubio Regarding VA Employee Accountability  (9/12/22)

SEA Celebrates Restoration of Quorum to Merit Systems Protection Board (3/2/22)

VA Health Care Executive Pay Reform Critical to Future Outcomes in the Department (2/24/22)

RELEASE: OPM Seeks Agency Nominations for 2022 Presidential Rank Awards (2/22/22)

SEA Signs onto Letter to Senate Leaders to Fill MSPB Vacancies  (2/17/22)

SEA Comments on OPM Proposed Rule on Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination Act of 2020 (2 /8/22)

Senior Executives Association Comments on OPM Proposed Rule (2/8/22)



SEA Letter on MSPB Nominees (12/31/21)

SEA Support on OMB Nominees, HSGAC (12 /31/21)

Senior Executives Association Position Announcement For Executive Director (12 /14/21)

Senior Executives Association Awards Program Coming in January (12 /14/21)

MEDIA ADVISORY — SEA Hails Biden Administration Announcement of Presidential Rank (12 /8/21)

Civil Society Coalition Letter to Senate on MSPB Vacancies (12 /1/21)

Urgent Need to Restore Quorum to The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) (11 /30/21)

SEA Supports 3 Merit System Protection Board Nominees (9/20/21)

SEA Reacts to Biden Administration’s Move to Mandate Vaccination Across the Federal Work (9/9/21)  

SEA Applauds Nomination of Final Merit Systems Protection Board Member, Urges Swift Advancement Through Senate (9/2/21)

SEA Reacts to Federal Circuit Decisions Striking Down VA Interpretation of Accountability Laws (8/23/21)

SEA: NAPA Report on Reframing the Office of Personnel Management’s Leadership Imperative Provides Critical Guidance on Improving Human Capital Management Across Government (3/18/21)

SEA Releases Management Quality Improvement White Paper (1/27/21)

SEA Applauds President Biden’s Reversal of Trump Era Workforce Executive Orders  (1/24/21)

SEA Statement on Unrest at Capitol : SEA Calls For A Peaceful Transition of Power


Congressional Failure to Address Schedule F in Omnibus Spending  Bill Reveals Congressional Apathy Toward Issues of Effective Governance (12/21/20)

SEA Statement on Creation of Schedule F in the Excepted Service Dangerously Erodes the Merit Based Civil Service to Advance Political Propaganda  (10/22/20)

SEA Statement on OMB Race Training in the Federal Government (9/14/20)

SEA, COE Release Report & Recommendations on Transforming the Governance of Federal Human Capital Management   (7/21/20)

SEA Statement on Cancellation of the Presidential Rank Awards  (7/14/20)

SEA President Job Announcement (6/24/20)

SEA Pledges to Become More Diverse (6/23/20)

SEA Statement on Systemic Racism in the Federal Workforce (6/15/20)

SEA Announces New Interim President, Robert Corsi  (5/19/2020)

SEA Announces Task Force on Assessing Management Quality (5/5/2020)

SEA announces Departure of President, Bill Valdez (4/16/2020)

Good Government Coalition Letter to President and Congress Supporting National Commission Recommendations   (4/1/2020)

SEA Statement on  National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service's(3/25/2020)

SEA Statement on Margaret Weichert's Return to the Private Sector (2/14/2020)

SEA Statement on Administration’s FY2021 Budget Proposal (2/11/2020)


SEA Announces 2019 Presidential Rank Awardees  (10/30/2019)

SEA Statement on OIG Report Investigation VA Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection  (10/24/2019)

Statement by SEA President Bill Valdez on Passing of Rep. Elijah Cummings  (10/17/2019)

A Growing Risk of Government Failure Raises the Stakes for Agency Leaders to Practice Enterprise Risk  (5/31/2019)

Senior Executives Association and the Government Freelance Exchange (GovFlex) Announce a New Collaborative Agreement to Create the “Liquid Workforce of the Future Model” (5/28/2019) 

SEA Statement on OPM-GSA merger  (5/20/2019)

SEA Statement on Administration's FY2020 Budget Proposal (3/11/2019)

Senior Executives Association Statement on Partial Government Shutdown  (1/28/2019)

Are Declines in U.S. Federal Workforce Capabilities Putting Our Government at Risk of Failing?(1/24/2019)

Senior Executives Association Statement on Partial Government Shutdown  (1/17/2019)


SEA Applauds OPM Action to Streamline Executive Performance Appraisal System Certification Process (11/15/2018)

SEA Announces 2018 Presidential Rank Awardees(11/13/2018)

Senior Executives Association Releases Position Statement on Sexual Harassment Prevention (10/28/2018)

SEA and FEIAA Sign MOU, Announce Partnership (10/13/2018)

SEA, The Volcker Alliance, Partnership for Public Service Release Joint Agenda to Strengthen the Senior Executive Service (10/6/2018)

Pay Freeze Harmful to Federal Government’s Ability to Compete as an Employer  (8/30/2018)

Senator John McCain’s Life “Embodied a Commitment to Public Service”   (8/27/2018)

Investigation Confirms Interior Department Lacked Proper Justification for SES Reassignments (4/11/2018) 

SEA: President’s Management Agenda a “Step Forward” in Government Modernization Effort  (3/20/2018)

Senior Executives Association, National Association of Hispanic Federal Executives Announce Collaboration (1/9/2018)


2017 Presidential Rank Awards Summit  (11/29/2017)

SEA Statement on President’s FY18 Budget Proposal (5/23/2017)

SEA Letter to House OGR on Federal Employee Compensation  (5/18/2017)

SEA Sends Letter Opposing Senate VA Accountability Bill  (5/17/2017)

NAPA and SEA Sign MOU (5/8/2017 )

SEA Statement on Government Reorganization Memo  (4/12/2017)


SEA Applauds Fix for Paid Administrative Leave in NDAA(12/13/2016)

Bill Valdez Named SEA President  (10/20/2016)

SEA Mourns Loss of First President, General Counsel G. Jerry Shaw (6/6/2016)

SEA Statement on House Passage of MilCon-VA Appropriations Act  (5/19/2016)

30th Annual SEA Banquet  (4/21/2016 )

SEA Statement on Senate Introduction of the Veterans First Act  (4/28/2016 )

VA SES Weigh In On VA Proposal 3/15/2016)

SEA Statement in Response to VA Proposal on Senior Executives (2/12/2016)

SEA Legislative Director to Serve as New Interim President  (1/20/2015)


SEA Endorses New Administrative Leave Legislation (1/20/2015)

SEA Releases Statement on Administration's Threat to Veto H.R. 1994  (7/29/2015)

SEA Releases Report on Results of Member Survey on At Will Employment in the Senior Executive Service (4/1/2015)

SEA Calls Upon Administration to Announce Plans for Alternate Recognition in Place of Suspended Presidential Rank Awards  (1/13/2014)

November 10 - A Sad Day for Veterans (11/10/2014)

Setting the Record Straight on the Term "Senior Leaders" in the FEVS  (9/22/2014)

SEA Statement on VA Compromise Legislation (7/28/2014)

SEA Opposes SES Accountability Act; Suggests Legislation is a Solution in Search of a Problem (7/24/2014)

SEA Opposes Senate Action  (6/11/2014)

SEA Urges Secretary Shinseki to Stop Terrible Precedent of Rescinding SES Performance Awards (5/22/2014)

SEA Expresses Disappointment on Passage of HR 4031 (5/21/2014)

SEA President Testifies Before Senate Subcommittee on Issues Unique to SES (5/6/2014)

SEA Disappointed By Congressional Action to Ban Performance Awards at VA  (5/1/2014)

SEA Responds to Remarks Made By Speaker of the House, Congressman Miller and Senator Rubio Regarding VA Employee Accountability  (4/3/2014)

SEA Statement on Chairman Miller’s Veterans Affairs Bill  (2/11/2014)

Statement by the Senior Executives Association on OFFP’s Announcement to Increase the Benchmark Compensation Amount for Contract Executives  (12/5/2013)

SEA Calls On the Media and Congress to Stop Denigrating Furloughed Federal Employees  (9/8/2013)

28th Annual SEA Banquet Honors Distinguished Executives Responsible for Saving Government Over $94 Billion  (4/23/2013)

Presidential Distinguished Rank Executives Discuss the Impact of the Budget Process and Sequestration”(8/6/2013)

SEA Statement Regarding NAPA Report “The STOCK Act" (3/28/2013)